Sunday, July 12, 2015

Writers Day Debacle...

Writers Day Debacle...

And today being writers day, I just wanted to write something awesome this morning. Something that will touch my reader's emotion, make them scream, their heads explode all over the place, something close enough to send a bolt of awe down their spine. So I rolled up my sleeves and got ready to fire up my grey cells..Then what, dashing in from the kitchen, I saw my wife standing there on the door step, glaring in at me with her hands firmly on her hips, head tilted at a perfect 45 degree angle and she asked, '' Aren't you getting late for the office....'' Then, after pausing for a moment she continued, '' by the way, don't forget to file a complaint in the electricity office as this month's bill has jumped up showing usage that is totally erratic''. She then handed over the electricity bill and left in a hurry.
Looking at the masoor dal soaked bill, I stood there for a brief second then gave it a fling to the ground. Then I remembered the story of Benjamin Franklin who one day got terribly frustrated with his wife. He locked her up in the house and tried to despatch the house key to eternity by tying it at the other end of a kite-string. But, as the saying goes, God is actually pro-women....such much mein......!

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