Saturday, August 13, 2016

St.Mary's School, Pattom, Trivandrum Students Re-union. A night to remember forever.

St.Mary's School, Pattom, Trivandrum Students Re-union. A night to remember forever.....

Every school reunion carries a nostalgic touch that status updates or chatting in social network can’t replace.
The simplest way to explain what I’ve experienced at “The Residency Tower” on Saturday, the 6th , is through a parable that goes like this, “ You have to be there to love it and feel it”. A group of “youngsters” on the eve of International Friendship Day gathered together and you guess..., hugs, music, handshakes, and dance and of course, scream of joy everywhere. It was indeed an opportunity to see the adult version of our good old friends who went their separate ways and have not laid eyes for so many years. Though many were far more intimate with each other now than they were in high school, thanks to Facebook, this rare opportunity provided them a chance to hang out with their friends and have live conversations. Nothing compares to putting your arms around your classmates, laughing out loud and giving them a big hug. I could see there a lot of what is most beautiful about comradeship. We were there to reconnect, to relive the best times of our life and to create new memories. To give a loud and clear message out to our next generation that we are still pretty young. But then of course, my hearty congratulations to the members of the organising committee whose only goal was to get as many friends as possible from our school Alma mater together for an entertaining and fun filled evening. A big salute to them. It was indeed a very special night with beautiful faces, bright smiles and yes of course those lovely little kids. It brought back a surge of memories and in fact the only really frustrating thing is that I barely had enough time to talk to most of my friends.
Having experienced my first reunion a couple of years back, I felt, this time we were more open and hence the ambience was more exciting and fulfilling. For those first timers, I’am sure, that night was an opportunity to rekindle and strengthen the bonds of friendship that have been dormant for so many years. It’s amazing how, in a matter of seconds, one can turn back time to the good old days as if nothing could possibly have happened in between.
In a short span of four hours, we were able to affirm that our group was really special and indeed a rare reservoir of great talent, compassion, commitment and lot and lot of energy. The high decibel music performances, great poetry recitations, spectacular dances etc were enough to justify the cause. A few were seen here and there exchanging memories and stories from their time at St. Marys, that I believe something we all would cherish forever.
I’am sure, the most if not all who attended the reunion will be revelling in that feeling for many days to come. We had a blast; it was simply profound and truly extraordinary, more than I anticipated. Only regret is that the evening went by much too quickly. I too played a small role thereby singing a song and I know that I made a mess of it. Friends, my apologies and thank you for your patience. Anyway, the reunion was more than success. The best of everything was seeing all those faces again. I think at the end of the day we as a group have given back to our school some appreciation of what it gave us.
Few pictures reflecting those special moments that we will remember forever.....

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