Monday, August 8, 2016

Friendship Day Write Up Posted in Fb

Friendship Day Write Up Posted in Fb

Kallar, a much infamous river that situated en route to the popular hill station of Ponmudi in Trivandrum district, where Mother Nature has hidden many of her most amazing treasures deep inside her mysterious sereness, is known for its unusually strong undercurrents and flash floods. This river has claimed several lives, mostly students, so far.
It was drizzling when a group of students from the L.B.S institute of science and technology descended there to spend some time on the river bank. As the group hiked through the rough and narrow boulevard they found the forest growing more and more denser. One among them, somewhere on the bank of the river, befriended a small local boy who promised to take them to a spectacular waterfall on the other bank of the river which according to him, will be remembered by all forever.
Kallar River was sweeping down at an astonishing pace. The river bed, a jumble of large slippery boulders bore a terrifying appearance. Students grew concerned that the river would turn violent any time. Looming dark clouds across the mountain ranges and a thunder that pealed out over the uphill further justified their apprehensions. When they reached a sandy shore near the river bank, the local boy said, “you must now cross the river and walk through the woods along a path to reach the waterfall”. Some local elders who were seen fishing near the bank, warned the students against venturing into the river on realizing that it’s raining on the other side of the mountain range. But the local boy was determined and so was the leader of the group. His friends pointed out to him the rashness of the river that changes its mood in minutes. She could be silent at times, serene and mellifluous and at the next, she turns edacious and ravenous, all depends on the rain. They even told him that they did not expect to witness his death right in front of them. But nothing discouraged him. No dangers appalled him. The first rush of blood to surge beyond the human limits and access the secret of the waterfall eventually resulted in him and the local boy getting into the river.
“You are not going in there”, his friends yelled from behind when they saw him descend into the river. They pleaded with him to pull back from his treacherous mission, having now learned from more locals how dangerous the river could be. They urged him to abandoned his mission and return to the river bank. He heard nothing.
Almost into the middle of the river where the water, which was now waist deep, he heard from behind a noise. “Wait there, I’am coming. We will go together”. It was his best friend, fully aware of the consequences of his action, was about to join him. Together they had the satisfaction of finding each succeeding step was stronger to its predecessor. And at the end they were rewarded by finding that magnificent waterfall deep inside the forest. They rejoiced and thanked each other for their comradeship.
Although this incident happened over 25 years ago, it is still firmly etched in my memory. I think, Perhaps a brave man is not he who doesn’t feel afraid of taking risks, but someone who risks one’s life to save someone else, fully aware of the risk of life involved in it.
Thank you my dear friend Shuhaib Pallickal, on this friendship day.
And a very happy "Friendship Day" to all my dear friends........

പ്രകൃതിയെ തൊട്ടറിയൂ......

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