Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Reciprocity ...

It was only drouth all around
And you made us all feel special
With your flamboyance,
The music and dance.
Such deep affection
Soul inspiring harmony
With which we spent our days together..!
Such deep compassion and love
To feel each others pain and glory
In our heart we lived.
What if now the glitter has faded a little
Whispered the shrub
So quietly in his ears
Hold your head high and stand tall oh dear.
We are all here, who think
As much of you, as you do.

P.S :- Just chanced upon this picture of a lovely peacock on my way to Chokkanathanputhur, a small reticent village in the outskirts of Rajapalayam. He was without his magnificent plumage. But how well placed are those shrubs in the background, it seemed as if they are compensating the flamboyance that's faded from their handsome companion....

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