Sunday, December 20, 2015

Delhi Rape Case- Court Verdit - " I sentence you to be released to death....."

Delhi Rape Case- Court Verdit - " I sentence you to be released to death....." Cartoon.

It says, the rule of the law must apply equally and without discrimination.That is to say, the rights of the victim and the rights of the accused should be considered equally and with dignity, But here we see the laws are wee bit unfair towards the victim. I think the law makers of our country should not have any trouble with this simple logic. Why should juveniles be treated differently for a heinous crime when the pain, terror and trauma they inflict on the body and in the mind of an innocent victim is no different to what their adult counterpart would do. A criminal committing such an act should not be treated as a juvenile when the seriousness of such crimes they are committing are every bit as ghastly as adult crimes.,....!   

"I sentence you to be released to death....."

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