Thursday, November 1, 2012


        MY INSPIRATION…….!

Not so important news that came in almost all dailies a few days ago but somehow has attracted my attention is what inspired me to write my first post of this month here.
Our neighboring country Pakistan has set a new world record on 20th October 2012 when 70000 students, artists, athletes and others citizens gathered at their national  hockey stadium in Lahore and sang the country’s national anthem together in the presence of officials from Guinness Book of World Record. The effort was to break the previous record set by India when 15,243 people sang our national anthem earlier this year. Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif, who played a key role in organizing the event as a part of Punjab Youth festival 2012, also joined the crowd, says report. Several rehearsals were conducted by them before this record-breaking achievement was eventually accomplished.
A number of such attempts were made previously by Pakistanis to sing their national anthem simultaneously at different places to set a world record. We should appreciate the enthusiasm shown by the youth of Pakistan in singing their national anthem and thereby creating awareness about the patriotism among youth. But the only thing that makes me genuinely apprehensive about what they claim is that, how it is even remotely possible could they even think about beating a record set by India that has something to do with the man power strength.  Being the second most populous country in the world, who could afford to do so apart from the People’s Republic of China?  It’s just a matter of time before someone, took the initiative and gets this record broken in 52 seconds.  It doesn’t even need any rehearsals or for that matter any pre planning.  Just an announcement before a cricket match at Eden Gardens is enough to make it possible. No officials from Guinness book of world record or for that matter any one from Pakistan are required to be present there to see it for themselves because it would be heard at their respective places loud and clear, Iam sure.
An Indian express news story which reported on this issue went on to say that, I.N.L.D members in Haryana is all set to break this record during one of its rally in Rewari this month. Ajay Singh Chautala, an I.N.L.D MLA, said in a statement that over two lakh people will sing the Indian national anthem on the occasion of Haryana Diwas, on 1st November 2012.
Whatever it may be, let us now forget about all this healthy competitions and record breaking attempts by two neighboring countries with regards to their national anthem and try to envision what makes it so special about mass singing of any national anthem in huge gatherings.  It is so special guys, I promise you. You will forget everything. You will get those goose bumps, you will have that extreme sense of feeling about patriotism and that immense pride and unquenchable trust on your fellow countrymen,  you will feel that blood rush, you will have your eyes welled up. It’s that magic of devotion towards your motherland and is just mind blowing.  The tremendous triumph the song endows with when it’s sung in a chorus is something amazing.
Why Iam saying this is because, for more than twenty years now, I have been saluting my national flag and singing the national anthem in uniform at various regimental and other public functions in the vast expanse of my country. Yet it gives me the same feeling of devotion and patriotism whenever I get up for reciting the national anthem still now. I love to recite my National Anthem loud and clear whenever and wherever it’s played.  It’s enough to make my heart beats faster. It’s an intense emotion towards the sacrifices made by the people who build the nation and also towards the people who are safeguarding it, be it the armed force members, the farmers, the scientists, the doctors, the engineers or any other such common men who works for the development of the country. Even though it influence me to hold my head held high every time I see the national flag being hoisted and the national anthem being sung, it happens that my head bows down from inside and salute those great patriots who sacrificed their lives for us. It gives me the much needed motivation to perform my duties and strive hard till my last bit of capacity. 
This feeling of love and devotion to my country that evokes from the inner of my heart manifolds and grew to a level which cannot be described in words when Iam in uniform, standing attentive, saluting the tricolor flag that fluttering high above the sky and singing my national anthem along with hundred others in its original version. My fingers that touching the peak of my cap will shiver and a feeling of ecstasy and joy will overwhelm my mind. As an officer in armed force, I would think, that is the bare minimum which I could do in return to the motherland which has done enormously for me. Iam sure this emotion, which is commonly found in all armed force members, will remain so for ever till death. Sometimes I genuinely feel like telling my friends and relatives that, If I die while on singing my national anthem, you dig a larger than normal grave for me, for you will find my body much taller and broader than usual.
One may reasonably assume that, such feelings that I mentioned above may be an exaggerated self assertion which normally doesn’t happened in actual life, but the fact is that, once you are in armed force or for that matter in any profession which has an explicit value orientation towards the betterment of the country, you will get the same feeling and emotion.
It was just a few days back, precisely on 25th September 2012, a function was organized at the Bhadrachalam college grounds wherein some 15000 students from various schools and colleges from Khammam district of Andhra Pradesh sang the national anthem in a chorus along with hundreds of other people. The programme was organized by a Telugu TV channel, NTV in the name Mana Desam Mana Geetam (My Nation My Anthem) to inculcate patriotic spirit in the mind of all participants. When the organizers invited me to the function, I never thought I would actually witness one of the most spectacular sights that rarely ever come in my service life. Cultural dance performances and music  by several college students on skits with patriotism as main theme providing a rich glimpse into the freedom struggle, resulted in a mesmerising show.The function was well attended by several distinguished members including senior politicians and civil servants. The huge ground was jam packed with several like minded people who had come to witness this event from the nook and corner of the district. Watching the longest Indian national flag being carried to the stadium by students in a spectacular march past in the background of musical band was a fabulous experience for me. With tricolors fluttering all over the ground and patriotic songs being sung in different versions, I thought, this is exactly what is called the ambience beaming with patriotic pride.

Sometimes I too could not resist tapping my foot as I listen to those songs. I have not typically  been allowed to be overwhelmed in public gatherings or to get very emotional about what ever happening there, but my reactions were due to the fact that,  although Iam a committed armed force member in uniform , Iam also a proud Indian and a simple human being first........! JAI HIND.. 

P.S:-  Tomorrow being KERALA DAY, I wish to dedicate this post to all my friends from the GODS OWN COUNTRY with an appeal to them that, the next time you go to the Jawaharlal Nehru International stadium at Kochi to witness an international  cricket match, just stand up for 52 seconds for reciting the National Anthem and feel that experience of a life time....Good Luck..  

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