Sunday, October 13, 2013


The most appropriate Election Symbol for " None of the above- NOTA.." is GINGER...!

Now that , the “None of the above-NOTA” option will remain a symbolic one as per the circular issued by the Election Commission a couple of days ago, voters are now confused as to why such an option at all?” As per the circular, even if the NOTA received maximum number of votes, the candidate with the second highest number of votes will be declared elected in the upcoming assembly elections scheduled to be conducted later this year.  So “NOTA” is now just an option for the voters to express their displeasure and angry without any serious consequences at all. This remains me of the famous saying in Malayalam: “ Inji Kadicha Korangane Pole”  which means , “Like the facial expression of a monkey who bite GINGER” similar to the English phrase, “ bitter pill expression.” …Here it is…..Now that the Election Commission is yet to take a decision on the election symbol for the “ None of the above “ option, I personally feel a “piece of GINGER”  would be the best and meaningful option. A symbol that would best fit the facial expression of poor voters who after spending hours in queue under scorching heat, comes out of the polling booth after putting their vote for NOTA. It’s not my fault if your evil mind is exceptionally over enthusiastic and sees something dirty.

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