Sunday, April 28, 2013


                           CONFESSIONS  OF  AN ACCIDENT  SURVIVOR

Everything happened so fast, in the blink of an eye. Barely managed to stand up in the middle of the road after surviving a terrible multi vehicle accident to find myself ALIVE, I suddenly felt an intense wave of emotion overwhelming me. Standing there in total subjugation amidst shattered glass and twisted metal, unsure of whether I’ll live or die the next moment, I saw a large number of people, total strangers, running towards me from all directions asking in soft friendly voice if I’m okay. I heard, while being helped by a volunteer to trudge cautiously toward a nearby foot path, someone giving directions to the 108 ambulance in a growing voice. Another Good Samaritan while bringing me some water asked if he could call my dear ones in my family for me. A police patrolling team that reached the spot in a flash decided to shift me immediately to the nearby trauma centre in their own vehicle when they found that the 108 ambulance would take too long to reach.

 Lying there in the emergency room, I’ve then for the first time, remember the supernatural powers of the almighty God and resort to thinking how lucky I ‘am to escape such a terrible accident when the doctors, after going through the diagnosis results and images of my sonogram, assured that I have no internal injuries but a few bruises and muscle contusions here and there. In the company of a few ill fated, not so lucky ones inside the trauma centre observation room, where I have  been told, just in case, by the doctors to spend the night, I’ve got a few valuable insights on how fragile and vulnerable is our life.

 I’ve then realized that we, the human beings are nothing but a perishable hump of mass and all the wealth we have accumulated in our life and the so called powers we enjoy have no relevance at all.

I can assure you that, once you are there in a trauma centre after surviving an accident, you will start thinking why it’s being said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. You will then realize that, it wasn’t your latest Smartphones you often use to promote your stupendous business deals that mattered when it comes to settle an all important deal with your life, but some old, obsolete cell phone of an unknown road vender. You also understand and agree that, when you couldn’t find the air and were barely breathing after the accident, the hand that lifted your blood soaked body to the ambulance was not that of your all-powerful friend in US, but those slender hands of an impoverished street hawker.  It’s neither the luxurious seats of your BMW-M3 nor its high speed M engine that mattered on that most important journey of your life but those cramped seats of a police jeep and that scruffy hospital stretcher that rolled you into the CT room. 

Suddenly you will find, people who you have never met before, who are not in your Facebook account, not having their numbers in your cell phone are the ones what mattered in an emergency. And that is exactly what the god demands from you by keeping you alive after such a terrible accident.

Let me say it as simply as I can.  Accidents are like punctuation marks in one’s lifespan.  Sometimes an ambiguous coma, sometimes a surprise exclamation mark, a semicolon and yes of course sometimes that fatal fullstop. That makes  us aware of how fragile and vulnerable is our life. When you are in that strange feeling to be unsure of whether you will live or die the next moment, you will then understand that each day of yours is a gift, a charity from an extra natural power, doesn’t matter how talented and influential you are. In the end, all that counts is how happy and optimistic do you live in this beautiful world.    

I couldn’t be more thankful for those unknown friends……

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