Saturday, January 12, 2013

India’s condemnation of terrorism with its usual “strong words” in the aftermath of a recent cease fire violation by Pakistan along the Line of Control attracts no particular relevance in the ...
ongoing tensions between these two countries. People have understood that it was just an imperative diplomatic farce without any particular ramifications. The real culprit here is the government of Pakistan’s lack of control over their covert intelligence agencies and armed forces engaged in carefully calibrated subversive activities along the LoC and thus as a nation, Pakistan has no monopoly in this case. They themselves are reeling under the threat of massive killing operations in the form of so many blasts and other terrorist activities. Casual calls for a war by different political parties and media panelists are not a solution to this issue. Potential costs of a war and its impending consequences on the monetary as well as human resources will have repercussions far beyond our imaginations. I don’t think banning of international matches or denying visas to senior citizens of Pakistan will have any effect on these cross border problem and its apparent outcome either. Instead, we should be diplomatic as well as impulsive in order to tackle this menace by taking resolute actions targeting those who are engaged in funding and helping the terrorists from across the border to spread terror in India. They should be told in a clear and specific manner that they are vulnerable to our strikes and are in our hit list for target liquidation. We have to understand that this is one ailment which has no definite potion. It can just be kept under control by giving antibiotics when they seem to be getting worse.

NEWS..... NEWS..... NEWS.....
After Pakistan violated the cease fire agreement near LoC, India's external affairs ministry condemned thye incident in STRONG WORDS.....Though the contents of the letter have been kept secret, below are the "strong" words used in it... Drishtadymna, Ghatotkacha, Dushassana, Ashvatthama, Khatushyamji, Ugrasravasanti, Naranthakadevanthaka.... News is that, Pakistan is vehemently trying to decipher these words with the help of China.

TAKE PAK CAFE International



1. Honey glazed MIG-29 stuffed with sweet
      BRAHMOS and served with R-27/R-73 sauce
  2. Smoked MIRAGE 2000 V5 with
      490-500 MBDA MICA sticks.

                       BREAK FAST

  1. ARTILLERY assorted dumpling with
       PRITHVI and TRISHUL served with
       105 mm L.F.G and 122mm D.30 fries
 2.  Steamed SUKHOI 30 MKI served with
      KH-31 A and OFAB 250-270 with
      UB 16 spring rolls

 1.  Rolled INFANTRY with crispy PARA
      stuffed with JAGUAR andT-90 mm MBT
      and 155mm FH 77B
     wrapped in INS VIRAT or INS CHAKRA

       ( Being served only if REQUIRED )

    Note:- NUKE kababs also available

Don't worry Pakistan, we won't take you. Because we don't want our future generations lack target practice.


You may not like me. You may not even know me. But, It's because of you, all the world loves me.

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