Saturday, February 4, 2012



When winter blessed the valley white
The barrack roofs had kissed the frost
And clad in ice, the airport road
Lay as made of crystal glass.

As the mighty gates were opened wide,
The valley airport woke and breathed.
Hordes of cars and roars of flights
And pack of tourists made it bright.

The valley like a stunning damsel
Was once a reticent girl in grief.
Splintered flesh and wounded veins
She gasped along the age in pain.

Salvage came from far off lands
Marching through the flame of loath.
Set her free from grief and pain,
And thence they guard her safe and fine. 

And for those who leave the valley
Carried along the bracing thoughts,
A tiny head that rummaged around
Had always made them feel so proud.

Amid the men in fur they saw 
A Canine worked in belted coat.
His fair large eyes and gifted nose
Snooping hard for veiled hazards.

There he worked day and night,
Neither growl nor bark he made.
Never pleaded for what to him was owed
Cared not the vagaries of wind and rain.

Aircrafts took off safe and sound,
Relied upon his gifted nose.
Cleared the luggage that came in hordes
Never his heart had fallen down.

 And when danger loomed on the floor
When someone spotted a bag unknown
 The wisest folk when ran to safety 
Forth he came and sniffed the stuff. 

 Together they stood in the aisle, so calm
Together they stood amid life and death.
Still did he work and still did he sniff
And worked his years through dreary strain.

Autumn came, so did monsoon,
Came the winter and sizzling summer
Gates were opened and closed at night,
Nothing changed but only age.

“Action”, the dog lived his time
Till a cancer gripped his spine.
Came in his place a younger dog,
Human life is above all.

On a day when silver snow
Gave way to the weeping sky
His sniffing nose and probing eyes
Closed for ever in a longer breath.

Laid to rest on a wooden plank,
His body looked cold and lank.
The godly nose that saved the souls
 Plugged up neat by cotton swab.

 Here, where the ‘honor guard’
                Set down impassive in ceremonial role
                My soul ached, ‘O brave,.. You were a valour dog!’
                My sense, as though lost in thoughts.

When the lone bugler in uniform,
Played the ‘Taps’ in an awful woe
Stood his master with trembling hands
Upon the last rites with lament eyes.

His body when sank into the womb of earth
His thoughts, a stream pierced the heart.
No more bombs and no more drugs, ‘O, Brave
Now sleep in peace in this silent grave.

Cannot express the plight of being there
Your memories will remain forever, I swear.
That gallant life, that soul of devotion,
What remains……………?

As the trumpet played the force funeral tune,
I saluted him with trembling hands
I prayed for the soul’s blissful eternity.
And whispered-Here rests a dog
Who lived the words -service and loyalty!
(“Service and loyalty” is the motto of CRPF)

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