Monday, January 16, 2012


About me........
I have never been a person who pursued any high ambitions in my life. Born in a lower middle class family in Kerala, not to be called bourgeois, as an elder son of my parents who were government servants, I had a normal childhood life with nothing much to boast.  No ballads to be written about my schoolings. My father always told me about the poverty he had lived during his childhood and also his fragmentary education. He had at all times persuaded me to excel in my studies but his anecdotes never had any serious affects on me as I remained an average student right through my academic journey. He had numerous dreams about me.  He dreamt his son to become a high ranking official who flew across the continents and see the countries. ‘My son,’ he said often, ‘ I could not complete my education due to scarcity of money…, I want you to study as much as you can and make me proud so that I can look the world in the face and say…this is my son’.  
 Somewhere in the middle, at the age of forty-nine, his dreams were burnt to ashes in a public crematorium along with him and thus came the end of my education.
 A famous veteran astrologer wrote my horoscope when I was a year old. “This child will become a policeman”. My father used to tell me about the wisdom of this astrologer who, according to him, never forecasted anything for money. Some predictions he wrote in my horoscope came spot on during my childhood. Gradually I started believing in destiny and willfully empowered it to guide me in this world of uncertainty.  At the age of twenty one, with a first division degree in Physics, I became a police officer.  I've joined the police service not because of any burning desire in me to be a police officer, but because it –the opportunity- came unexpectedly on hard times, just after my father’s untimely demise and the family had to face sudden financial hardships.
My career offer me bountiful opportunity to travel through the length and breadth of my country as well as to several countries abroad. The wisdom I gained from these voyages are unparalleled. This blog is to put out my thoughts and discuss what ever I experienced in my tough police life. Not even sure how it will turn out.

 Thanking you for your time.
Best Regards. Ajan R. Nair.

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