Saturday, March 14, 2015

K M Mani , Kerala Budget Cartoon

K M Mani , Kerala Budget Cartoon

K M Mani , Kerala Budget Cartoon

Madurai Photos...1

It has to be, IOB....

The soul of India lives in its villages......said Mahatma Gandhi. And we make souls blossom...... It has to be...., IOB...

The soul of India lives in its villages......said Mahatma Gandhi. And we make souls blossom...... It has to be...., IOB...

P.S:- This is just a small way of showing my gratitude to the Indian Overseas Bank..., a thanksgiving gesture....

Wednesday, March 11, 2015



Housewife- cartoon

P.S:-  My respect, my admiration and salute to all housewives, doing a thankless job that allows them no leave reliever in their life time.....

Sunday, March 8, 2015