Friday, April 18, 2014


Not a constitutional expert.....He is a Demographic Psychologist called in for the post election plans....!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


നിങ്ങളുടെ ഓരോ വിലയേറിയ അടികളും എന്‍റെ കവിളില്‍ രേഖപെടുത്തി എന്നെ വമ്പിച്ച ഭൂരിപക്ഷത്തില്‍ വിജയിപ്പിക്കണമെന്നു അഭ്യര്‍ത്ഥിക്കുന്നു അപേക്ഷിക്കുന്നു.......


The accidental Prime minister- Sanjaya Baru- a Cartoon

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that our P.M was more a bureaucrat than a politician, who still have apprehensions about the loyalty of Sh. Baru towards his mentor, who still wonders whether the politics in India is funny, this book " The Accidental Prime Minister" is a spectacular answer. This book is neither a case of misusing a privileged position for a commercial gain as alleged widely, nor a "stab in the back" by a person who was denied a govt.job. But a brilliantly scripted political drama. Moreover we may doubt that the timing of the release of this book has been an absolute master stroke from the P.M himself. He wanted to say something loud and clear which he said at an appropriate time but through a loyal defender of him. It's a well known fact that, it's the congress party that denied Mr. Baru a govt.job despite repeated recommendations of the P.M. And Mr. Baru emerged as an "Aswathama" who chose the best possible time to unleash his vengeance and thus, at the same time, had been utterly loyal towards his boss. Both of them know that they have nothing to lose. This book is a direct arrow towards the Congress party orchestrated by a person who has learned a lot about the real lessons of Indian Politics and its wily character from his ten year old tenure at the helm of affairs.......

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


On the occasion of Vishu, I wish all my friends and relatives a very happy and prosperous future. A hurriedly made painting with oil pastels.......

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Lost one more friend in the battle field. All I could do is to pen down a small poem as a tribute to a brave officer with whom I worked alongside in SPG, Sh. Indrajit Singh , Dy.Commandant who was killed in an IED blast after an alleged delay in medical help. Another C.R.P.F constable Sh.Dilip who was seen pleading  in front of the visual media for medical assistance even after a lapse of over two hours was indeed shocking. All this shows the deplorable state of affairs prevailing in CPMFs  as we are nauseatingly over-dependent on the “OTHERS” in our force who are least bothered about what is happening out there.  They are just enjoying the vast privileges , recognition and the kingly treatment they are getting out of the strict discipline and much famous hospitality acumen of this great force  which they couldn’t even dream of getting in their own cadres. 

No doubt, the valuable life of Sh. Inderjit Singh could have been saved if a proper and responsible system existed in our organization. The authorities failed to provide timely medical assistance to a brave officer who was just there as per the orders of them to protect the nation from the evil hands of insurgents. What contingency arrangements have they made to tackle such an eventuality? If they could send such large troops to an area which is vulnerable, what was the problem in sending other safety measures? Who cares? They are just bothered about their postings and hence making the politicians happy. Now who is answerable to the bereaved family of this service officer?

It's high time to get rid of these elite parents and have our own parents who care us, who are acquainted with their kids and genuinely bothered about their future. Let's pray to god. 

This poem just sums up my sentiments. If I succeed in getting the message of this poem across to someone in authority, I will feel obliged. 

As I just can’t make myself really detach from being called a CRPF man, where I lived a life, the lines written here are not from the soul of an ex-fauji, but a fauji himself. 


A home is not a home where the parents rumble

And clans fighting and loathing at each other

And a state is not a state where the refugees rule

With loyalty to one flag and sneer at the other.

With grace we  harbor them as such is our rule,

And keep them as our lords, and they misrule

When in the woods we fight a deadly war,

Sitting in the townships they teach us how to score.

In they come as glorified asylum seekers,

For a short sojourn in the world of peace keepers.

Unsought, unpleasant, they heave their fortunes,

And leave the force with full of fake laurels.

No where in uniform they display our mark

Nor do they know what squarely is our work

Instead they boast their cadre and smirk

And if anything goes wrong,  they simply would lurk


They disguise as they are not different from our own

Fact is that we are aliens in the  world of their own

Unsatisfied shall we remain for ever as a con

Feeling the agony of servitude and gloom

As long as they remain as our imposing lords

For ever shall we live as those unhappy hordes

And as our obligations would repel us from rouse  

And we shall remain as mute as a mouse

 To see if we will ever live a life of our own,

Being with our own men who feels our mourn

How long shall we wait, I don’t know but reckon    

And grudgingly depart to the world of woebegone

When In the woods, you continue to surge,

My brothers, they will suck and remain at large.

Still keep the flag high, no matter what they say.

That’s our right that no one can deny.


Saturday, April 5, 2014


Departmental Corruption is mainly due to two reasons.....External Interferences or Internal Entertainments.....

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Today is April 1st.......!
Yep...the only day of the year that their behaviour justify our expectations.....!