Wednesday, October 17, 2012


In the world of sign language.


Sound of thunderous applause from his friends who had assembled in the school auditorium has no particular meaning for him. But he was still seen acknowledging everyone he passes with his effervescent smile while coming over to the stage for receiving the cash reward from me. It was in unison that the teachers agreed in declaring his name when I have desired them to name a boy or a girl to whom I can give a reward for their excellent performance in studies.

Not many words were exchanged. A gentle handshake followed by a few words of appreciations from me and he quietly went back to his place. Yes ‘quietly’ to the world where he lives; the world of silence. A place where sound has no particular meaning.

He was a thirteen year old deaf and dumb boy of BRESH residential school for handicapped, mentally retarded and deaf and dumb children at Shanti Nagar, Bhadrachalam where I’am stationed right now for counter insurgency duties.

When the founder principal of the school Mr. Harinath Rao, who himself is a physically disabled person and have a mentally retarded sister to take care of, requested the Commanding Officer of my unit to help him and his teachers to clean the school campus which was in a deplorable state, the Commandant told me to look into the matter.  


Forty C.R.P.F Jawans of 141 BN with all essential tools required for a sanitation drive reached the school the very next day morning. Later on when I drove down to school to see how things are going over there, to be honest, I was more concerned about few important files in my table and was eager to return back as quickly as possible by excusing myself. But then I’ve never thought, my impulsive decision to visit this school will turn out to be one of the most memorable days of my life and a humbling experience too.

Everything tumbled upon at the gate itself when I found the principal along with two physically disabled teachers were waiting for me there. I felt really sorry for them. When I found one of them, a polio affected teacher was trying hard to keep up with my pace, I humbly requested her to go to her class and that I will see the sanitation drive going on smoothly. All my deliberations about the files and other impending reports and returns for the higher offices got crashed down under the overwhelming emotions thronged my mind. I walked around the school and found it to be in a very dismal condition. Tall grasses and bushes were life threatening to the handicapped kids for that they could be ideal places for deadly snakes to hide. Drainage system has gone awry as clogged drains at many places led to severe water logging. Toilets were tainted and in a dilapidated state. Compound wall was found collapsed at several places. All together I have seen the school was not in anyone’s attention for long. Apparently there is no way these hapless handicapped occupants could do this work all by themselves. It was like that they have accepted their fate and contained themselves in their own world of silence.

Our Jawans were doing their level best to bring some relief to the agonizing state of affairs, the school was reeling under.  

While taking me around, Mr. Rao told me that he had established this ‘residential school for handicapped, mentally retarded and deaf and dumb children in the year 1995 when he found that there is no such schools for the physically handicapped and mentally retarded children from the nearby villages. When he told me that the 140 odd students are living in a hostel which has its own disabilities, I was really thinking as to why the government officials and other non-government organizations working in this sector are not speaking loud for those who could not speak. They should also understand that saying is one thing and doing is another.

A thunderous burst of applause and laughter I heard from an adjacent class room prompted me to take a look at what was happening there. Few mentally retarded children were playing some games. Once they got over their initial surprise at seeing a police man in uniform inside their class room, the teacher and her joyful students started talking to me in an altogether different language. She then suggested that I should speak with the children. I was bit nervous as I was not sure what I was getting into by knowing that they would only understand the sign language. But then, to ease the atmosphere, I asked for a slate and a pencil and made a quick caricature of a small boy, Vinod Kumar, who was standing in front of me. When I gave it back to him, he smiled coyly and gave me a soft handshake. Suddenly the class room changed into an altogether different atmosphere. They clapped and swarmed around me and started talking to me in their own language. One among them, a cute looking mentally handicapped boy, performed a mono-acting in front of us by imitating the mannerisms of some of the south Indian film starts like Rajani Kanth and Nagarjuna. I could not resist giving him a warm hug in exchange of his exemplary talent and told him how happy I’am watching him. He laughed lightly. It was nice to see the children chuckling and laughing at whatever happening there.

In an adjoining room, I found few children were making some entertaining crafts. The teacher, while explaining to me the details about the various crafts being made by the children, she gave me a few hints on what is being taught in the class room which helped me to fairly understand the subject matter. I found the teachers are more supportive and giving plenty of attention in a positive way which of course demands a lot of patience.

When I watched them silently, wishing in my mind that these kids have a very joyous ambience of their own in this place, something suddenly snapped in my heart. I pulled out some money from my pocket and gave it to my driver and asked him to get some biscuits, chocolates, and other eatables for these kids. It was then that I requested the principal to allow me to have an assemblage of these children so that I can reward one among then who deserves.

A few minutes later I saw several children were moving in a group and I knew they were going to the assembly hall. There, I saw very happy kids from 5 to 15 years of age were waiting eagerly. I felt the atmosphere was different from other schools. It was quiet, calm and tranquil. I felt it was largely due to the fact that these children are not used to the world of sound and hence it has no particular meaning for them.

 After few introductory speeches from the principal and a couple of teachers, I was asked to come on stage and say a few words of encouragement. In front of me were children living in the world of sign language. Neither could they hear me, nor could they talk to me. It was a bit different experience for me when I started to talk and one teacher translated it in sign language. I too tried a bit of sign language to tell them that we are there to see them and also let them see us. I spoke to them in that manner for few minutes. All listened but the expressions were mixed. Some I thought genuinely understood but some gave me a blank look. It was during this session that I presented the cash reward to the deaf and dumb boy whom I mentioned in my opening paragraph.

Thereafter we, the men of the largest Paramilitary force in the world distributed some eatables to these kids as a sign of our support and solidarity towards them. I felt really proud to be among those tiny brave hearts that are also fighting a ‘war’ but of a different kind. The function ended with smiling students swarming from all directions to shake hands with me. That was one such occasion I felt an intense sense of joy and gratitude overwhelming my mind which is obviously a rarity these days in armed services. That day I earned few peers and admirers from the world of sign language and it was truly humbling.

Mr. Rao said that he would like me to come to them again and share a few moments with them. When he told me that this place is being used by the parents to leave their abnormal kids whom they treat as a burden, I thought how difficult it would be for a normal person to understand how these kids living a life here. That makes them isolated from others. The parents then would search for an alternate place where likeminded children accumulate. I could get the point of view of Mr. Rao that if they close down such centers, they would not have any mode of communication at all as they have no such schools for them in the village. It was a very heart wrenching and eye opening experience for me. I really wish we could do more and help bring some light in the life of these hapless souls. I wish awareness of disability was there among the parents for that, every child who tested deafness or dumbness at birth could be groomed scientifically and be made available all those most modern gadgets which will enable them to live a life of their own in this planet.

The warmth and awe that I received was so over whelming that I felt truly humbled by these silent people and at the same time, it was really sad as the parents of these children have, I think, given up and accepted that their disabled children are a burden to them. But the principal and teachers of this school are trying hard to fills up each of the children and their parents with their spirit of never say die and pushes them to achieve greater heights against all odds. In a country where life for the handicap is very harsh, teachers like Mr. Rao inspire and makes these children’s life worth the fight and struggle. I hope these youngsters will make their life worth living in future.

 I don’t know if I could or would do something towards the children of this school. Burt I really hope that I would be able to do something towards the betterment of the disabled children in our society once I retire from service. Even if someone who are affluent in the society gets motivated to work in this field after reading this post, then that would be something I would be grateful for. So much we can do. It is that somebody in the authority just needs to go out and spend some time with such teachers and extend their support.

Thank you Mr. Rao for giving me such insight into life. It was such a wonderful experience with few who live among us, but in a different world. God bless you…. JAI HIND.


Sunday, October 14, 2012


 I've  made this slide in one sitting .  Lines just flow out of me in words, both in Malayalam and in English..... 

പൊന്നുമോന്‍ ഭ്രാന്തനെങ്കിലും
ഭാരമല്ല പെറ്റമ്മയ്ക്ക്....
പത്തു മാസം വയറ്റില്‍ ചുമന്നു
പത്തു കാതം ചുമലില്‍ പ്രയാസം..!

What if to the world , He a Lunatic Monster
Beloved is he to his caring mother
In belly she bore him nine months altogether
Few steps on hip..! , Hey It's no matter

No leave- No ONAM., This year too.  It's normal for an armed force officer.
So I made these four slides sitting in my room at CRPF Group Centre, Hyderabad.....An experiment with PHOTOSHOP.

We the people of Kerala, Wishing You All a Very Cheerful and Happy Onam.

Onam is no longer a regional festival pertained only to kerala. But is a national one, celebrated by one and all with no religious or demographic barriers. So let's say it together....

Overwhelming   Nostalgia for  Ancestral    Mythos

ഒരു പഴയ പട്ടാളക്കാരന്‍റെ കത്തുകള്‍

പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട അച്ഛന്,                                                                                                              
          അവധി കിട്ടിയില്ല. വിഷമമുണ്ടാകും എന്നറിയാം. എന്തുചെയ്യാം,
 അടുത്ത ഓണത്തിന്‌ തീര്‍ച്ചയായും ഞാനുണ്ടാകും...  .......സ്വന്തം.......

പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട അമ്മയ്ക്ക്,                                                              അവധി കിട്ടിയില്ല. വിഷമമുണ്ട്കും എന്നറിയാം. എന്തുചെയ്യാം, അടുത്ത ഓണത്തിന്‌ തീര്‍ച്ചയായും ഞാനുണ്ടാകും...     ......സ്വന്തം.......


പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട ഭാര്യക്ക്‌,                                                                അവധി കിട്ടിയില്ല. വിഷമമുണ്ടാകും എന്നറിയാം.  എന്തുചെയ്യാം,
മക്കളുമൊത്ത് ആഘോഷിക്കുക, അടുത്ത ഓണത്തിന്‌ തീര്‍ച്ചയായും ഞാനുണ്ടാകും...    ......സ്വന്തം.......


പ്രിയമുള്ള മക്കള്‍ക്ക്‌, 
അവധി കിട്ടുമോ? അച്ഛന്‍ പെന്‍ഷനായി എത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്,
നിങ്ങളില്ലാതെ എനിക്കും നിങ്ങളുടെ അമ്മയ്ക്കും എന്താഘോഷം. എല്ലാപേരും എത്തുമെന്ന് പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു.  

ഇത്തവണയും നാട്ടിലെത്താന്‍ കഴിയാത്ത എല്ലാ സൈനികര്‍ക്കും, ഗള്‍ഫിലെ സഹോദരന്മാര്കും, മറ്റു വിദേശ മലയാളികള്‍ക്കും .....ഓണാശംസകള്‍ “

This Cartoon I made as a theme image for my write up " Re-attiring for Gandhivities"

Re-Attirement for Gandhivities...

Just wrote for fun. Nothing serious... 

The Almighty God Took "Small Portions of Everything" in Himself and Created All Living Things On Earth, Says Fables.... However, It costs him his "Whole Intelligence" before he had his Most Beautiful Creation On This Earth Completed.

Inspired by Suresh gopi's "Ningalkumagam kodiswaran",  i clubbed this image of Sree with that famous Da....Poyii

How Shall We Say  " Dee Pooyii-Da Vannnuu.." in a Single Gesture?

 This was again  for pure fun. A theme  just came to my mind and then a few more experiments with PHOTOSHOP ..   

Annoyed with Hoards of Unwanted Hits On Their New Website WWW. SAMBHAVAMI UGAY  UGAY  . Com, From the GAY people all over the World, a Community Group Approched a Web Designer Who made a New Design For Them....
U Gayyy?  U GAYYYYY?...And All Paraphernalia ends up with that.. 

Oh..I found this beautiful picture on FB.... Though it took me some time to complete, I wrote these lines in one go.

“ ശോണ വര്‍ണ്ണ സുശോഭിത സുമവനം,
വസുമതിയ്ക്കണിയിച്ച മംഗല്യ മാല്യമോ..!
ശ്രീലവസന്തം, ഉഷസന്ധ്യതന്‍ നെറുകയില്‍
ശ്രീയോടെ ചാര്‍ത്തിയ സിന്ദൂര ശോഭയോ....! “

(ശോണവര്‍ണ്ണ സുശോഭിത സുമവനം
വസുമതിയ്ക്കണിയിച്ച മംഗല്യ മാല്യമോ)

I like this got it right..   Toilet seats are often the best thinking pad... All three slides are from there...Err
Thanks to Loo for this LOOGIC

When I Say I'am BUSY, You Better BELIEVE Me....
The Only Time I Say Busy To Blow You Away.......

When I Say " DON'T DISTURB." ....You Better OBEY ME.....

If my compound Wall is 9 foot high, It's for your safety, Not mine....

This was for a friend who often tells me that my stories are too  loooong.......

A Short Story On DESTINY.


Sitting On The Pavement Of a Shopping Centre, He Was Writing His Auto-Biography.
"....Ten Years Ago, One Day, A Lottery Agent Came to My Shop. I bought One Ticket and Gifted To MySales Boy...."
Suddenly He Heard a Shout From Behind.
" You Don't Have Any Job Here?....Can't You See The Customers Waiting..."
Words, He Frequently Used Years Ago...
He Closed His Note Book and Went Inside...

Sortest story on Sacrifice


Once upon a time there was a girl, One day she got married and became a MOTHER...

This of course was an interesting experiment with PHOTOSHOP.  When I got the theme in my mind, I thought of making the painting all by myself. The Painting here is in fact made by me from the paste of  Turmeric powder, Chicken masala powder, chilli, corriander and all that. Photographed  and imposed it in a frame.


A Famous Painter Exhibited His Latest Work At An Art Gallery With a Display Caption Goes Like This....
" Pandemonium of a Panoply Tarantella Dance By a Pterodactyl in the Tune of Quadraphonic Played by The Troubadour in Luminescence of Chickenoxian Phenakism..."

The Painting Was Sold For Rupees 12 Lakhs

Later on In a Bar, So Intoxicated, The Painter Told His Friend, ...
" I never Thought, My Stupid Wife Would Fetch Me This Much When She Slipped And Landed on My CANVAS With That Chicken Curry Yesterday....."

A Real Incident.....

അമ്മേ പൊറുക്കുക

കല്ലാറിനക്കരെ കാനനവീഥിയില്‍
കാണാം മനോജ്ഞമാം വഴ്വാന്‍തോല്‍
കാണാന്‍ പുറപ്പെട്ടു കാലേ കഴിഞ്ഞനാള്‍
ആമോദത്തോടെ ഞാന്‍ സകുടുംബം
കാനനം വേഗേന താണ്ടി
മുന്നേറവേ കാണിയൊരു പഥികന്‍
പറഞ്ഞു കട്ടായമീ വഴികളില്‍ കാട്ടാനശല്യമുണ്ട്....
കുടുംബത്തിന്‍ നാഥനിവന്‍ ചിലകാര്യങ്ങള്‍
ചൊല്ലാമിതേവരും ശ്രദ്ധിക്കണം
കടിഞ്ഞൂല്‍ കിടാവിനെ ഞാനെടുക്കും
തോളിലേറ്റിടേണം ഭാര്യ രണ്ടാമനെ
കൂട്ടത്തില്‍ സോദരിയവള്‍ക്കൊരുമകള്‍
കൂട്ടണം നീയവളെ നിന്റെയൊപ്പം
പാറപ്പുറത്തോടിയേറണം സത്വരം
കാലതാമസം കാലപുരിയെന്നത്തോര്‍ക്കണം
ഭംഗിയായി കാര്യങ്ങള്‍ ചൊല്ലി പിന്‍മാറവേ
പിന്നിലായ്‌ കേട്ടുഞാന്‍ ഒരു വൃദ്ധ നിസ്വനം
കേറിടാനാവില്ല പാറമേല്‍ മക്കളെ
കാട്ടാന വന്നാലെന്തു ചെയ്യേണ്ടു ഞാന്‍ ...”
കരളില്‍ കനലായ് പതിഞ്ഞൊരാ വാക്കുകള്‍
കേണുകേള്‍ക്കുന്നു ഞാനമ്മേ പൊറുക്കണം...!

(കവിതയെന്നു അവകാശപെടുന്നില്ല,
ഒരു സംഭവം പറഞ്ഞുവെന്നേയുള്ളു.....)

When I got this image from FB, I thought of writing something on it. Thus the slide...

It Seems This Dragon Fly Knew That It Takes a Single Flap of Its Wings To Obliterate All The Fascination of Those Glittering Apparel He Painstakingly Preserved For Long.... Doesn't he?
Then Why Can't We?

Made this one just for a time pass

Here Is a Comparison of How Facebook is a High Tech Version of Our Good Old Village Assemblies....

Update Status:-  Someone Comes up With an Issue.
        Comment :- Those Who Have Arguments in Favour or Otherwise.
                 Like :-  Those who Nod Their Head in Agreement.
                Save  :- Those Who need Time To Understand it fully.
               Share :- Isn't That Just Another Word For GOSSIP?
Then Please Feel Free To Gossip

Oh ..Yess....On the day I 've completed my twenty years of service, I posted this slide on FB. The caricature is the one I've made for my story "The Grown Up Man" , posted in this blog earlier..  

I'm Happy To Announce That I've Completed My Twenty Years of Service in The World's Largest Paramilitary Force Today...
On This Occasion I Salute My Father, Whose Imagination - Health Is Wealth - Made Me Whatever I'm Now.....

Made and Posted in FB on Independence Day. Sitting in my room at CRPF Group Centre Hyderabad, it was an attempt to see how the definition of colours in our TIRANGA justifies the supreme sacrifice of a soldier.

How the TRI-COLOUR Wrapped In The Coffin Of a SOLDIER , Fully Justifies Its Meaning...

COURAGE   :-  UNDAUNTED he Fought against the Enemy
SACRIFICE  :-  The SUPREME he could do for the country.
TRUTH  :- The ULTIMATE    in Life , which he accepted WILFULLY.

A quote that came to my mind while doing an operation in a dense forest.


Just for Fun


I wrote what I felt.....

Don't Ask "Are You Ok"  to a Friend in Trouble...Better Tell Him..." Hey ...You Are OK... 

This has got a reason....

A Friend's Silence Doesn't Necessarily Mean He/She Has Nothing To Say.......But May Be Scared of Getting Hurt Again...

My one and only HINDI POEM.....I drafted it in my mobile  while going for an important operational duty.

This is true as far as myself is concerned. Number of cars or houses a person have, seldom impresses me. But a noble act by an ordinary man does.


One more experiment with PHOTOSHOP. My officer knows me very well. So I'am Not Bothered. He wont misunderstand

Flattering your Boss, The facts.....
What you say in his front...                             What is in your mind.

Sir, You looks SMART                                 In DARKNESS

                                               Sir, You have a good SENSE OF HUMOR             WhenSilent                                                             

Sir, You are KIND and GENEROUS                      When you  Sleep

 Sir, You are TARGET ORIENTED                   IN TOILET      

                    Sir, You are much concerned about us                   On SUNDAYs                                    


What your boss say in FRONT                                             What is in his mind

Ha Ha Ha ...Com'n Yaar                               Maska Laga Raha hain Saaaa.....
                                  Thank you thank you...It's ok                                This idiot  Thinks , I'm an IDIOT                                         

You will get what you deserve

Writing about anything on "mother" has never been a problem for me . This is my latest one.

At Zoo, A Little boy asked his mother. " Mom, Do Lions eat humans? "
Mother said,  " Yes they do, My son.."
"Will They eat me too? "
Mother smiled and answered,
" No my son, when I'am with you. Because, Lions stop eating when they have had enough"

I have made a few enemies with this...Never's all for fun.

Those who have opened their facebook account just for adding friends, but not a single post or a like or a comment posted on their wall are the real PEEPERS, Who have a fear of their true personality being exposed. Hard to trust people hiding behind their MASK.

When i got this image from FB, my eyes welled up. So wrote these lines.


കുഞ്ഞേ ഉറങ്ങുക....
ഇന്നീയിളംതിരി വെട്ടത്തില്‍
ഈ തണുത്ത തറയില്‍, നീ കോറിയിട്ട
നിന്നമ്മതന്‍ ചൂടേറ്റുറങ്ങുക...
കാതില്‍ താരാട്ടു കേള്‍ക്കാം, നിനക്ക് നിന്‍
കണ്‍കളില്‍ അമ്മതന്‍ സ്മേരവും കണ്ടിടാം
കവിളില്‍ ചുടുചുംബനപ്പുക്കളറിഞ്ഞിടാം
ചുണ്ടില്‍ മുലപ്പാല്‍മധുരം നുകര്‍ന്നിടാം
കരയരുത് മകനേ...നിന്നമ്മതന്‍
കരങ്ങള്‍ക്കതാവില്ല നിന്‍ കണ്ണീര്‍ തുടച്ചിടാന്‍ .....!

Just came by

Don't curse your today or you will have to repent Tomorrow

This is for  my friends from opposite gender. It took me long, almost two days to draft it.


The dew drop had spent the night with red rose, resting on its soft petal, shining at moon light and slid down when the sun rose in the morning.

Red rose didn't look happy...

A small bird flew in, flapping its wings, took the sweet nectar from the soul of rose, and left in search of more.

Red rose didn't look happy...

The Autum wind blew in, took the enticing fragrance from her petals and make the whole garden breathe afresh....

Red rose didn't look happy...

Then came a little boy, plucked her as he passed, ran across the road and presented it to his little girl friend and said....

" For the friendship we share"... The girl closed her eyes, breathed the fragrance, looked up coyly and said...

" Thank you very much"

Red rose smiled and giggled....!

This cartoon was yet another experiment with Photoshop. As I know very little about PHOTOSHOP, all my works here are hence experiments. I've made this cartoon first and then improvised it with Photoshop tools.


 In General's office

Captain:-  What a great painting you have made sir, The fisherman is enjoying the sun rise and the mountains and trees are like disciplined lovers. You deserve Bharat Ratna Sir....

In Soldiers Line

 Captain:- Who the hell made it. Don't you know the story of a camel and its bloody F****in nose under the tent? IDIOT
Clear off the wall....I mean Now..#3^&&&***

I wrote this quote  just out of repentance for not being able to be with my children althrough these years. I will be able to join them, if my VRS application is accepted  by the authorities soon


On teachers' day....

Just came to my mind when I was in good  good.

When is Baba Ramdev's next indefinite fast?   Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha....

Even though I've No Experience as such....

അവളുടെ കണ്ണുകളില്‍, പ്രപഞ്ചത്തിലെ
സമസ്ത സൗന്ദര്യയങ്ങളും വിടരുന്ന ആ നിമിഷം......,
ഈ പാവം റോസാപൂവിന്‍റെ ചാരുത
ലോകത്തെ ഒരു കാമുകനും ആസ്വദിച്ചിരിക്കില്ല...


This one is a dedication to the  place where I've born and Brought up.




ദൈവങ്ങള്‍ സഭ കൂടുന്ന നാട്

ME--The LEO...

Being Humble

A short story I wrote and posted in FB as a dedication to all Mothers on earth


Yielded to the tearful pleadings of his wife, he finally decided to put his insane mother in a mental asylum.
It was their first wedding anniversary. Never had she felt so content in her life with her husband in a world of their own.
"Shall we go to the river bank and sit there for a while watching the setting sun?" His words were like music to her ears.
On the river bank they truly were one soul on two bodies.
Then suddenly, to her horror and revulsion, he tripped and fell into the river and started drowning. Terrified, she ran hysterically alongside the river, screaming her heart out for help.
But no one heard her soul wrenching howl.
Then she ran back to the river yelling and tearing out her hair in a desperate bid to find him.
To her surprise, she found him there standing on the bank, soaking wet but with a smile on his face.
She ran upto him, wrapped her arms around his neck and whisphered while crying into his chest hysterically.
"Please ...for god sake, don't ever do this to me again...."
That night in their bed room, tears running fiercely down her cheeks, she murmered into his ear.
" I would have gone insane, had you remained missing for few more moments"
He, hence gently told her, wiping her tears,
" Seventeen years ago, one day, my mother took me down to the river for bath. While she bathed, I somehow slipped into the river and swept along. Because I could not swim, I struggled with the strong current while as crying for help. Later I somehow managed to get back to the shore, but it was too alte."
Next day, they together went to the mental asylum and brought the mother back.

If I Die While on Singing My National Anthem, You Dig a Larger Than Normal Grave For Me. Because Then You Will Find My Body Much Taller and Broader Than Usual....

മൌനങ്ങള്‍ വാചാലമാകുന്നതും
ദൂരങ്ങള്‍ അപ്രസക്തമാകുന്നതും
    പ്രണയമനസ്സുകള്‍ സംവേദിക്കുമ്പോഴാണ്

Dr. K.J.Yesudas,   The God's Own Voice

ദൈവത്തിന്‍റെ സ്വന്തം ശബ്ദത്തിനു പ്രണാമം
മൌനമാണ് സന്തോഷത്തിന്‍റെയും, പ്രണയത്തിന്‍റെയും
വിരഹത്തിന്റെയും എല്ലാം ഏറ്റവും ഉദാത്തമായ
ഭാവമെന്ന സങ്കല്‍പ്പത്തെ തന്‍റെ ശബ്ദസൗകുമാര്യം കൊണ്ടും
ആലാപനലാവണ്യം കൊണ്ടും വിസ്മയിപ്പിച്ച
ഗാനഗന്ധര്‍വ്വന്‍റെ സംഗീതസപര്യയുടെ 51 വര്‍ഷങ്ങള്‍ ......

Dr.K.J Yesudas, The God's Own Voice....It was on this day in 1961, that Shri Yesudas recorded his first film song for a Malayalam movie.With that godly voice he proved, it's not the silence but the sound is the most powerful expression of all human feelings....

One More Cartoon

Do Not Flaunt Your Intelligence At The Expense Of Someone Else's Foolishness


Attention Voyagers, Whenever you discover a new landscape anywhere in India, please don't forget to come down and have a cup of tea with us there.
We are the saviours, the omnipresent warriors, the CRPF soldiers...

Sometimes, Salute is more heart than hands...